Friday, 2 November 2012

AMECEA Episcopal Conferences on the YEAR OF FAITH

The celebration of the Year of Faith was inaugurated by the Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI on 11th October, 2012 during the Holy Mass in St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome. In the AMECEA region, the National Episcopal Conferences have already initiate practical pastoral programs in order to journey with the universal Church on this pilgrimage of deepening of our faith, of conversion and of rediscovering our mandate to evangelize.

We have here below the programs and initiatives that some of the Episcopal Conferences in the AMECEA region have proposed in order to call every member of the local Church to be part of this spiritual journey of faith and renewal.

During this YEAR of Faith, the AMECEA Pastoral Department is committed to providing member countries with a web page that will promote sharing of experiences and pastoral initiatives that are going on at local levels. 
We have created a web page for the Year of Faith where you will find the simplified text of Porta Fidei as has been requested by the lay faithful.


Chimutu Road
P.O. Box 30384
Capital City
Lilongwe 3 – Malawi
Phone: Lilongwe Office         : 01 772 066/079                   
Fathers Residence                   : 01 772 075                                      
Fax                                          : 01 772 019                                  
Email                                       :                            
Website                                   :
 OUR REF:                                                                                        
27th October, 2012

From:  Right Rev. Joseph Mukasa Zuza
·         All Arch/bishops
·         All Pastoral Secretaries
·         Chairperson for:          Association of Men Religious in Malawi (AMRIM)
Association of Women Religious Institutes  in Malawi(AWRIM)
Catholic Women Organisation (CWO)
  • Rectors for Minor and Major Seminaries
  • Superiors for Religious Congregations
  • Secretaries for Various Commissions
  • The Lay Faithful
  • People of goodwill

Dear Brothers and Sisters in the Lord,


His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI  celebrated Mass at St Peter’s Basillica on  11th October 2012, marking the official opening of the Year of Faith. The year is very significant because it coincides with the anniversaries of two great events which have marked the life of the Church in our days: the fiftieth anniversary of the opening of the Second Vatican Council, called by Blessed Pope John XXIII (11 October 1962), and the twentieth anniversary of the promulgation of the Catechism of the Catholic Church, given to the Church by Blessed Pope John Paul II (11 October 1992).

The Year of Faith will end on 24th November 2013, the Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, the Universal King. The Holy Father's aim in promulgating this Year is to focus on, “the encounter with Jesus Christ and the beauty of having faith in Him". This is the privileged time for the Church to make, the Vatican Council II and the Catechism of the Catholic Church widely known. This will in turn lead to renewed conversion and rediscovery of faith.

In order to join the universal world in deepening the church’s intimacy with Christ, the Episcopal Conference of Malawi is proposing several activities to be undertaken by various dioceses and institutions in the country. Below are some of the proposed activities.

Theme: The guiding theme for the Year of Faith in Malawi shall be:”BEING WITNESSES OF JESUS CHRIST IN AFRICA TODAY….Salt of the earth ….light of the World (Mt5:13-14).
a.      National level
·         By January 2013, the ECM shall release the following:
o   A special prayer to be recited by all the faithful at the end of Mass or any Christian gathering. The prayer is designed to focus on several remarkable events namely: The year of faith, the meeting of the Continental Bible Coordinators next year (2013) and the AMECEA plenary scheduled for 2014.
o   Catechetical Handbook I for Catechumens will also be released ad-experimentum for one year.
·         The booklets for 2012 Bible Month(September) activities have been organised to accompany the faithful in this Year of faith on monthly basis up to the closure of the Year of Faith(Refer to the program of activities at the end of the booklet).
·         The Youth in Our Universities will be engaged in discussions of some Church documents.
·         Some Church documents on Vatican Council II, Posters and Stickers on the Year of Faith will be availed to the faithful  from Montfort Media.
·         Seminars and workshops on the Year of Faith will be organised at St John of God Spirituality Centre (Nyungwe) in Blantyre Archdiocese.

b.      Diocesan level
·         Organise retreats and prayer sessions that will deepen peoples’ faith. Take advantage of privileged Seasons of ADVENT and LENT to conduct well organised penitential services.
·         The diocese should identify Holy places/shrines, hence organize the faithful to make pilgrimages to these places.
·         Intensify Marian piety and Devotions-promote and strengthen the Legion of Mary and other related  movements.
·         Make special programs targeting families as hubs of faith.
·         Organise special programs targeting the Youth at all levels.

c.       Parish or Institutions of higher learning(Universities, Seminaries, Novitiates)
·         Promote Community Liturgy such as devotions to the Eucharist and  Mary. Revive  Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament.
·         Organise pilgrimages to Holy places or shrines identified locally.
·         Promote debates on reason and faith in schools. Identify individuals (priests, religious brothers and sisters) to be available in schools to respond to faith based questions.
·         Organise sessions that will target families as hubs of faith.
·         The Youth must be taken aboard in all the programs above.

d.      Mass Media
·         All media outlets (print and electronic) are encouraged to establish programmes that will help to publicize the year and explain some issues of faith.
e.       ECM-AIRTEL Evangelization Partnership
·         In an effort to enhance evangelization in this Year of Faith and as part of advocacy for the 2014 AMECEA plenary, ECM has joined Evangelization partnership  with Airtel.
·         All the faithful and people of goodwill are encouraged to subscribe 51992 to Airtel for registration. This will enable you to start receiving daily Liturgical readings  either in English, Chichewa or Tumbuka.
·         Your subscription will contribute towards AMECEA 2014 preparations. The system is in operation. Try it.

The Episcopal Conference of Malawi would like to invite the entire church of Malawi to make this Year of Faith a success.

With this letter, I declare the Year of Faith officially opened and encourage all stake holders to ensure that their institutions have well outlined activities that will take them through out the year. You are therefore cordially invited to support the activities and efforts outlined for the year.

For more information contact the office of the National Pastoral Secretary.

May we all join hands in supporting the planned activities of the Year of Faith.

Yours in Christ,

Right Rev. Joseph Mukasa Zuza.



AMECEA: Episcopal Conferences Share Their Plans for the Year of Faith

The Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI by the apostolic letter, “Motu Proprio Data” The door of faith, Porta fidei, 11th October 2011, announced the year of Faith beginning on 11th October 2012 and concluding on 24th November 2013.
THE CHOICE of the dates
-          The opening of the year of faith coincides with the anniversary of 2 great events in the Church.
1.       50th anniversary of the Second Vatican Council
2.      20th anniversary of the promulgation of the Catechism of the Catholic church
-          The closing of the year of faith coincides with the celebration of Solemnity of Christ the King.
Pastoral recommendations
The Congregation for the doctrine of faith has since prepared and distributed a Note with pastoral recommendations for the year of faith; points to be considered for a fruitful experience of the year from Universal to Parish/community/association/movement levels. The following are the recommendations for the Universal, National, diocesan and parish levels to be adopted according to the individual situations.
I). Universal level
1.       On 11th October 2012 a solemnity to celebrate the beginning of the year of faith, during the XIII General Assembly of the Ordinary Synod of Bishops, convoked by Pope Benedict XVI, dedicated to The New Evangelization for the Transmission of the Christian Faith.
2.      Pilgrimage of the faithful to the See of Peter is encouraged.
3.      Devotion to Mary is to be encouraged
4.      The next World Youth Day, in Rio de Janeiro in July 2013 is part of the activities dedicated to the year of faith for the youth
5.      Symposia, conferences and large gatherings of international nature will be organized.
6.      Studies of the Vatican II council and catechism of the Catholic Church
7.      Reception of homilies, catechesis, addresses and other speeches by the Holy Father
8.     Various ecumenical initiatives for the promotion of Christian Unity
9.      A secretariat formed to coordinate the initiatives of the year of faith in Rome
10.  24th October 2013 Celebration to conclude the year of faith
II). Episcopal Conference Level
1.  A day of study for Bishops as shepherds of souls and custodians of faith is proposed
2. Reproduction of Second Vatican Council documents to the people (catholic bookshop)
3. Translation of the second Vatican Council and the Catechism of the Catholic Church in languages
4. Effective use of media to teach and transmit the faith (Catholic Media Apostolate)
5. Promotion of local saints, (e.g. the beatification cause of the servant of God Maurice Cardinal Otunga)
6. Promotion of art in evangelization, i.e. African/Kenyan art in presenting and teaching our faith
7. Teaching of catholic faith in catholic institutions of higher learning and seminaries (SEC/Education)
8. Production of materials on the theme of faith and witness (catholic bookshop)
9. Re-examine the local catechism and catechetical supplements (doctrine)
10. Examine the content of catechism in the theological studies (SEC)

III). Diocesan level
1.       Celebration of the opening and closing of the year of faith (11th Oct. 2012 – 24th Nov. 2013)
2.      Study day for priests, consecrated persons and catechists (each diocese to organize)
3.      It is recommended that each bishop should dedicate a pastoral letter to the year of faith based of the particular situation of the diocese
4.      Organize catechetical events for the youth, women and men
5.      Review the reception of the second Vatican Council and Catechism of the Catholic Church (organize a study on this topic)
6.      On going formation for the clergy focused on pertinent, faith related themes
7.      Celebration of the sacrament of penance during Lent season
8.     Dialogue between faith and science (learning institutions)
9.      Out reaching to non-believers through ecumenism and interreligious dialogue
10.  Special attention to catholic schools as seed beds of evangelization
IV). Parish/communities/associations/movements
1.       Study and meditation upon Pope Benedict XVI’s Apostolic Letter, Porta fidei
2.      Intensify the liturgy as a celebration of faith
3.      Study the documents of Vatican II and Catechism of the Catholic Church by the priests.
4.      Catechists, guided by their pastors should read and understand well the Catechism of the Catholic Church
5.      Availing catechetical materials to the Christ faithful
6.      Promotion of Christian vocation
7.      Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life, through their charism should work towards the new evangelization
8.     Contemplatives to pray for the renewal of faith among the people
9.      Associations and ecclesial movements, ( CMA, CWA, YOUTH) to be offered opportunities for faith deepening
10.  Through Small Christian Communities the Christ faithful should renew their faith and charity

            “deeper friendship with Christ”

The following are the proposals that have being collected and put together in adaptation of the guide from the Holy See which would be of help for our pastoral planning and implementation of the Year of Faith:

1.    At  the level of the Universal Church:
The official opening of the Year of the Faith will be on 11th October, a Thursday, (Memorial designate for Blessed John XXIII). We propose to make the opening everywhere in our Parishes on the following Sunday, 14th October, with a common program in all the Parishes of a Diocese.

In October 2013, this month of the Rosary should be the time for a particular manifestation of our Marian devotion, in these ways:
•Praying of the rosary before Mass, as well as in SCC’s,
•Family prayers,
•Pilgrimages to our Lady’s shrines.
2.0  At the level of the Zambia Episcopal Conference,
a)    A publication to be prepared containing a summary of the key Vatican II documents, such as Lumen Gentium, Ad Gentes, Dei Verbum, Gaudium et Spes…
That could be translated into our Zambian languages.
b)    Input on the Year of Faith with dimensions from Africae Munus during the 2012 National Catholic Forum (NCF).The National Catechetical Commission should be tasked to prepare a summary (explanatory highlights of the text) of the Catholic Catechism.
c)     Consideration to be made to organize a guided pilgrimage to the Holy Land
d)    Catholic Media Services (CMS) to produce CDs and DVDs on Faith formation

3.0At the level of our Dioceses:
a)     Each Bishop should be invited to prepare a Pastoral Letter for his Diocese, to be read on the opening Sunday, 14th October, (the 28th Sunday in Ordinary time) as part of the homily of the day.
b)    Diocesan Councils of the Laity (DCL), the National Council of the laity (NCL) and Women Councils at all levels NCL should discuss the issue and invite their member Associations to take part and even lead the activities of the Year of the Faith in Parishes. Essentially retreats and reflections in this year should be based on faith deepening and appropriation of the message of Africae Munus.
a)     Priests and Religious must have special times of study together on the issues of the Year of the Faith and Africae Munus. These should include a penitential celebration during Lent, possibly at the time of the Chrism Mass. Deanery meetings are other ideal moments for this.
b)    The Youth must be involved. A Youth Week should be planned in every Parish, in connection with the World Youth Day. During School Holidays, there could a common program in all Parishes, whereby Youth would have activities and prayer for them in all Centres of the Parish, for 2-3 days, then their delegates would gather at the Parish for another series of 2-3 days of activities. At the same time, in Catholic Schools, the Chaplains must prepare activities, reflection, and prayer, in accordance with the Youth Week in the Diocese.
c)     The topics used in the Youth Week will be taken from Africae Munus, particularly the section dealing with the Youth.
d)    It is foreseen that our Catholic media Services and our Catholic Radio stations in collaboration with the Pastoral teams at National and Diocesan levels will give due priority in coming up and airing programmes in the line of the Year of Faith.
e)     The Church History for Zambia and for particular Diocese could be designed, and disseminated on our Radio stations.

4.0 At the level of our Parishes:
a)      We must have a simplified version of the text of the Apostolic Exhortation, Porta Fide,  “Door of faith”,  ( issued by Pope Benedict XVI, October 11th, 2011) that could even be translated into the local language.
b)      Display of banner in church indicating the Year of “Year of Faith”.
   The following  Symbols of faith may be  included on the banners:
-         The Eucharist as Blessed Sacrament,
-         The Bible
-         The Cross of Christ,
-         Picture of a Church,
-         Beads of rosary to be the frame of the banner.

c)     Renew the 1st Friday of the month devotion to the Sacred Heart, with adoration of the Blessed Sacrament.
d)    Priests will refresh their knowledge of Vatican II, in order to share with the faithful.
e)     With the strong Holy Childhood programmes currently in place in our parishes, here again is another added glorious opportunity for the little ones to learn more about our faith and to reach out and bring their friends to the lord…
f)      The Mass celebrations must include the recitation (not singing) of the Nicene Creed;  in view of this, prayer leaflets in the local languages, for all the responses of the Mass, must be made available.
g)     A popular program of Mission promotion can be put in place, whereby SCC’s and Lay Organisations undertake a mission (or evangelization) project after each meeting.
h)    Members of Institutes of Consecrated Life, e.g. ARMZ and ZAS, will undertake initiatives of their own to emphasize their participation in the Year of the Faith.
i)       The Easter Vigil, with the usual renewal of our profession of Faith, will be the occasion to emphasize further our commitment.
j)       Novenas on Faith deepening
k)      Faith Renewal Programs for lay leaders, lay organisations and SCC’s
l)       At Parish level, there should be a symbolic reminder of the Year of Faith, the same in each Parish, a cross or a tree to be planted.
m)   RCIA to be promoted as an essential element of the Year of Faith; also courses for readmission to the Sacraments for those who have been excluded.  Other activities for the same purpose of RCIA and readmission to Sacraments should be organized.
n)    The closing ceremony on 24th Nov. 2013, Solemnity of Christ the King, must be prepared well in advance. Must be done in view of inaugurating the missionary exhortation to New Evangelization.

                    “TAKE HEART; RISE, HE IS CALLING”
                                           (Mk 10:49)
O beloved God,
May this Year of faith be a time of grace and renewed commitment for us.
May it be a time to turn to you with all our heart and again embrace the teachings of Your holy Catholic Church.
May this year be a time to strengthen our personal faith and to proclaim the message of scripture with joy and deep conviction.
May it also give new impetus to the mission of the entire Church, which is to lead Your people to a place of conversion and especially to deeper friendship with Christ.
Strengthen us, O God, to accomplish all these things.
We ask this in Your Holy name, through our lord Jesus Christ